Thursday, April 29, 2010


“AVATAR” (Sam Worthington & Sigourney Weaver)
First off, I’m not a paid critic so I can say whatever I please & all you can do is read it, shake your head & think, “What a jerk.”
So here goes – I found it hard to believe that this film, clearly the greatest movie ever made according to the American movie going public, is nothing more than propaganda proclaiming that American soldiers are not only the biggest bunch of a**holes on earth, but in the universe & beyond. I could understand why a film like this would do boffo box office overseas, but here in America? If you paid more than $3 to see this film, you’re unpatriotic and I suggest you leave this country immediately.
Okay, I’m kidding - I had no problem with the American military being portrayed as total dicks – but I did find it hard to believe that SO many flag waving, red, white & blue blooded Americans overlooked that fact & made this the biggest grossing movie of all-time.
It’s not great, but I will give it a passing grade. What I liked about it though, isn’t what everyone else has raved about – I thought the special effects were quite cheesy – I started getting a headache from looking at all the black light posters, which is basically what this movie is, kids – it’s one giant moving black light poster. Plus, it’s also half real life actors/ half cartoon - & it isn’t even as innovative as ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ because the cartoons & real life actors don’t interact until the final scenes.
I can easily see how little children would be fascinated by it. Thanks to the soundtrack & the jungle theme, at times I felt like I was watching a ‘Lion King’ sequel.
I mean, come on, it was ridiculously silly at times – Unoptainium? Which in & of itself is a rip-off of Rocky & Bullwinkle’s Upsydaisium from the early 60’s!
The ‘monsters’ of the jungle were the least impressive creations – they looked like plastic models to me. The elongated cat-like Smurfs were somewhat more detailed than your average Smurf, but hey, this isn’t a Saturday morning cartoon, this is the greatest motion picture ever made so I’d expect the stretched out Pussy/Smurfs to have movable ears & tales.
Probably the silliest concept was how the Pussy/Smurfs connected with their pterodactyls... by braiding their hair together. I’m sure off-camera they probably did each others’ nails as well...
To me, to be a great film, you have to include it all – a good drama will get bogged down if it doesn’t include a few light hearted/comedic moments – I chuckled once during this 2½ hour film – the audience (about a dozen or so people) didn’t make a sound the entire time.
The acting was substandard, but that isn’t a priority in any James Cameron film – As wheelchair-ridden ‘jarhead’ Jake Sully, Sam Worthington’s toughest stretch was learning how to maneuver about in a wheelchair. Note to filmmaker – he looked awkward; someone should have practiced with him more.
Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Ripley showed more realistic facial expressions as a cartoon than she did as herself.
Giovanni Ribisi has managed to turn his once promising career into a throwaway ‘bit actor for sale’ reputation.
& the guy who played Scarface (Sorry, I didn’t stay for the credits my butt was numb & I had to get up before rigor mortis set in) couldn’t have been more of a carbon copy blowhard Military General if he tried.
What I liked about it was the storyline – It basically followed the same path as when the Europeans first set foot in what would become known as America – they came, they saw a peaceful people who respected the land & the creatures they shared it with, & they conquered the living crap out of them. Except here, the ‘Indians’ band together & fight back.
Being one of the last people on the planet to see ‘Avatar’, I’m guessing its okay for me to reveal the ending, right? Because I was trying to figure out the morale to this story – Was it the American military is evil & we must stop it before it gets out of control?
Or was it – In a battle of robots versus cartoons, bet on the Pussy/Smurfs over the Transformers?


dbm said...

Avatar is definitely the type of movie that readies steadily on what kind of frame of mind you are in when you see it. See it in a grumpy or our mood you could easily not buy it. I saw it when I was in a real downer/sad mood. So it got me when I needed to be taken away from reality for 2 hours.
I will disagree about the effects. Regardless how you personally feel about them, they are of the newest and considered by people that do that for a living the best you can work on. But Avatar does require endurance and maybe being a little older these days was overkill. I could see that. I really can understand. Who's to know how I would have reacted had this come out 11 years from now.
I thought it was a good movie on a technical aspect. I wouldn't have made it the winner in the cinematography category though. I would have given that to either Nine or The Hurt Locker.
I'll give it the effects Oscar and ther art direction. But the picture was in my top 10, I don't think it made my top 5 though. I'll have to go back.
My girlfriend bought it and we watched it again and I didn't have the same reaction to it as strongly as I did the first time though.

blue stater said...

I LOVED Avatar !! And I loved the effects. It was like a dream land or being in a dream.

I don't know how anybody else thinks, but I came away with thinking about it the same way as you. About fighting for the land that is yours.

Terry R said...

I'd really like to hear from anyone that didn't like it BECAUSE the Americans were the bad guys. Or just get your opinion on how that fact affected you while you watched the film.
It really does boggle my mind that this movie is the largest grosser in American film history & we're the evil demons that everyone wants to see get conquered & destroyed.

blue stater said...

I don't know about our military being considered dicks by our own country, but I know for a fact in a world view we are not very popular. maybe Cameron was going for a more " world " view ?
I liked the movie. I was entertained and that works for me.

Lilithas said...

A friend and I went to see Avatar together after hearing about it from so many people and reading all the reviews, and both of us were disappointed.

I agree with dbm - the special effects were amazing (though 3D glasses give me a headache after a while, but that's my own problem) and I did feel like I was actually in Pandora for a while, and I loved the world they created.

I didn't have a problem with the military thing, but in all honesty, I was bored by the story. It wasn't engaging at all, and it was like watching a digital remake of Disney's Pocahontas. And Pocahontas was actually entertaining. I was wondering when Avatar would end.

My final verdict, though, is to say it's an ok movie. It didn't deserve the hype it got and I don't think I'll ever watch it again, but it was a good for a one time experience.

Terry R said...

Just to qualify - I wasn't saying that we ARE dicks, just that in this movie we are the greedy evil bad guys - I mean was anyone cheering for the military to destroy the Pussy/Smurfs?
And I guess I'm just not into 'visuals' like most of you because all I saw was an average looking cartoon set in a world full of black light posters.