“SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 : Game Of Shadows” (Robert Downey, Jr. & Jude Law)
I could take the easy way out and tell you just to scroll back to my review of the first installment of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ with Robert and Jude because the similarities are prominent. Being a sequel makes this the lesser film because it’s simply a matter of ‘been there, seen that’.
Once again, the culprit for what hurts the movie is director Guy Ritchie – Can we PLEASE get someone else to take over this franchise? And if not, then let’s kill it before he drags the good name of No Poop Sherlock down into the slow-motion pit of shame where it will die an ugly, though exceedingly l-o-n-g death...
Once again, Downey & Law provide the only entertainment value in the film – despite the irritating slo-mo for no reason and the fact that most of Holmes’ brilliant deductions come from figuring out how to win a fistfight before it actually begins instead of making clever deductions from the clues left in a room as to who was there and what they were doing – The Holmes-Watson relationship remains fun to watch. And a lot of that credit I feel has to go to Robert as his subtle English accent is so dead on you couldn’t tell which of the two actors was the actual Englishman. Usually I’m praising English or Australian actors for their ability to adopt ‘American’ accents so it’s nice to be able to throw some accolades to one of ‘our’ thespians.
One problem I had with the first was the casting of Rachael McAdams as Holmes’ love interest. Here, Rachel disappears early after making several ‘Why did she do that?’ moves in her opening scenes. I kept waiting for her to reappear to explain herself, but in typical Guy Ritchie fashion that never happens. Guy and bad story-telling do seem to go hand-in-hand.
Sherlock’s #1 nemesis, Professor Moriarty should have elevated this story to a higher level of entertainment value, but no, when it comes time for the Professor to confess his evil plan to Holmes just before killing him, thus giving Watson enough time to swoop in and save the day, we are told that Moriarty’s reason for devising his latest devilish scheme is to ‘sell bandages’. Sorry for the spoiler – but maybe it isn’t really THAT stupid - perhaps I just made that up to conceal the true evil plot of that maniacal criminal genius of literature. Yes, I must have, not even the annoying filmmaker Guy Ritchie would stoop so low as to make Professor Moriarty nothing more than a salesman for Band-Aids*.
*Band-Aids is a registered trademark and should not be included in this review by penalty of law.
Okay, pretend you didn’t read that part about Band... er, uh, ‘Ow-ie patches’...
The stuff that worked / the addition of Watson’s bride, whom Holmes throws from a speeding train – It would initially seem just to get rid of her so he and his ‘bud’ can continue to fight crime without female interference.
The stuff that didn’t work / the addition of Holmes’ brother Mycroft; although I didn’t have a problem with him until the extremely overweight broken nosed actor that played him did one scene completely nude. There was no reason for it, other than Ritchie thinking it would be hilarious to show an unattractive fat guy walking around his house naked while having a tea and crumpets with Mrs. Watson.
Noomi Rapace plays a gypsy woman (Of Curtis Mayfield fame) who warns Holmes that he has the mark of the werewolf upon the palm of his hand – No wait, that’s from the original ‘Wolfman’ with Lon Chaney – but, I digress...
I have nothing bad to say about the addition of Rapace – nor did she bring much in the way of interest to the table. Let’s just blame that on the director too and make it a clean sweep, eh?
I said it at the end of my review of ‘SH 1’ and I’ll repeat it here – If there’s a sequel, I’ll be there as long as Guy Ritchie is NOT involved!
Just got back from "A Game of Shadows." Liked it more than I liked the first Robert Downey/Jude Law version.
I am a fan of the 14 Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce films, so the physicality/martial arts in SH 1 and SH 2 jar me a bit. [I realize that Conan Doyle's Holmes was an adept boxer and familiar with multiple martial arts.] I also realize the action is needed to draw teenagers. Still, that does little for me.
I agree that Downey & Law make a diverting team. I appreciated the few moments of cerebral detective work and crime-foiling.
Rachel McAdams' brief presence and long absence were explained, first by the soundtrack, then by Moriarty. I have no views on Guy Ritchie's direction, but you err when you say that the screenplay did not explain her actions and her taking her leave.
I enjoyed Noomi Rapace. She always interests me with just her presence. She was not as compelling as in the Stieg Larsen "The Girl Who ..." films out of Sweden, wherein she was the heroine.
I enjoyed Stephen Fry [Mycroft] more than you did. I thought the partial nudity was droll. I always liked Fry on TV's "Bones," but I was glad not to see his bone.
Jared Harris's Moriarty worked for me at least as well as the fellows who played Moriarty opposite Basil Rathbone. I thought the screen-writers gave Harris a politically interesting speech toward the end.
Reichenbach Falls was an omen to those familiar with Doyle's short stories or "The Final Problem." Still, the film handled the levels of familiarity with the literary Holmes well, I thought.
Can't agree with you on the slow-motion and stop-action, each of which facilitated showing precisely what was going on.
All told, herself and I enjoyed the latest of this franchise as an entertaining flick.
You shock me, Mr. Smithee, for I would have bet moeny that you would find this sequel to be quite lame.
I understood that Rachel McAdams character was probably killed - but it was only implied as you said by the dour soundtrack. I really expected her to show up in some torture device in Moriarty's lair. MY confusion was over WHY she would set up her supposed lover to be killed - THAT was never explained. Or if it was, I was in that 'When is this thing going to be over?' phase...
I liked Jared Harris as Moriarty - I probably didn't state that in my review because I wasn't too thrilled with the film.
And you appreciated the super slo-mo stop action speed up slo-mo technique? I hated it.
Are you as a faux director of hundreds of films telling me that you really needed the scene in which Dr. Watson is shot in the side to take 5 minutes to show instead of the 5 seconds it should have taken? Well, no wonder your movies always go direct to video.
Looking forward to agreeing with you again someday, Mr. Smithee!
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