Monday, May 10, 2010


“IRON MAN 2” (Robert Downey, Jr., Don Cheadle, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, Gwenyth Paltrow & Scarlett Johansson)

Two years ago I proclaimed ‘Iron Man’ the best comic-book movie ever – Mind you, this is coming from someone who hasn’t read a comic book in 40 years & doesn’t normally like comic book movies. When it was announced that Mickey Rourke would play the villain in the sequel, I was disappointed – I don’t like Mickey Rourke – his acting, or his personal persona. When ‘The Wrestler’ came on HBO last year, I taped it & watched it, using the FF button on my remote liberally. The one thing that stood out, viewing that awful movie in that fashion was the numerous shots of the back of Mickey Rourke’s head as he entered the wrasslin’ ring. How that film & Rourke’s performance gained critical acclaim, I will never know – it was a piece of s-peaking of bad acting; Scarlett Johansson was also added to the cast. But I don’t mind Scarlett because she is awfully easy on the eyes – but when I saw that she was costumed so that very little skin was showing, well, my expectations of enjoying ‘IM2’ plummeted even further.
Don Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard didn’t bother me nearly as much as it should bother Mr. Howard. You weren’t a major character, Terrence, you didn’t deserve a huge raise in pay to do the sequel – You take the fact that you’re in a blockbuster that will make many multi-millions & use that to further your career with ‘serious’ acting roles.
But enough of my pre-viewing thoughts – Here’s the shocker – I loved this film almost as much as the first. I came out of the theatre thinking, “That just might be the best sequel ever.”
I don’t know how much of my negative mind set going in has to do with the pleasant surprise I received (To the point were I was able to overlook some of the flaws) but ‘Iron Man 2’ is an excellent movie going experience. Still, the packed house that we viewed it with didn’t seem to react as positively as I did. Were they expecting more? I found Robert Downey, Jr.’s second take as Tony Stark to be as impressive as his first – the quips were witty, the smart-ass devil-may-care attitude intact & fully blown & the serious scenes aren’t unwelcome (Tony discovers the toxicity in his blood is rising at an alarming rate & will eventually kill him)
I like movies that give you a variety of emotions to wade thru, the only time they lost me was during a dueling Iron Man suits display between Stark & his best friend, James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes (Cheadle replacing Howard) I thought that sequence was dumb & I feared that the film would go downhill from there – but it bounced back - & what made it successful? Well, I’m going to have to give credit where credit is due & admit that Mickey Rourke was a major factor in my enjoyment of this film. As Russian villain Ivan Vanko, Rourke was matched with the perfect character for his mumbling, unlikable acting ‘style’. His interaction with Tony Stark competitor Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) are some of the more memorable scenes – Credit to Rockwell as well, in fact, he, aside from Downey was clearly the second best actor in the film. When he loses his temper at Vanko & yells, “In case you haven’t noticed by now, I DON’T SPEAK RUSSIAN!” I held my breath for a second wondering how the muscle bound, clearly insane mutant was going to react to such an outburst. That was the cleverness of that pairing – Two loose cannons with the same goal (Bring down Tony Stark & Iron Man) who could implode upon each other long before they come to an agreement on how to go about achieving that goal.
Garry Shandling’s cameo as Senator Stern had me concerned from the preview, but the pay off will make you smirk, at the very least.
For the most part, everything worked, & worked well, but those of you who have read some of my past reviews know that there’s going to be some nit-picking (It’s what I do best) & my biggest complaint comes from the fact that there are no human casualties. Buildings, cars & property are blasted to smithereens but not a single of the thousands of innocent bystanders are even seen being injured, let alone crushed are blasted to oblivion by the incredible firepower of Vanko’s army of Iron Men drones. Call me a sick-o, but I would have said this movie was better than the first if they had just had the drone that took aim upon the little boy in the Iron Man mask & disintegrated the tyke.
& the big confrontation near the finale where Stark & Rhodes are surrounded by drones did become a little bit silly (I was reminded of Rock’Em, Sock’Em Robots from when I was a kid) but the end result was fairly satisfying, & this is something I don’t say very often, kind of ‘awesome’.
But this franchise works mainly due to Robert Downey’s acting talents – He raises the level of ‘comic book’ movie actors - & considering that Heath Ledger will unfortunately never be able to grace us with a follow-up Joker portrayal, Downey is the cockiest rooster in the comic book movie henhouse.
Oh, & Scarlett’s annoying habit of looking like she’s trying really hard to remember her lines as she speaks, doesn’t really stand out here because she doesn’t have that many lines. Despite not showing any skin, she still looked hot as she vanquished Hammer’s security guards whilst making her way toward Vanko’s secret hideaway... But I DO prefer her as a blonde (Note to Jon Favreau for ‘IM3’)
Yes, it gives a little bit for everyone – because I so enjoyed the first half of the film – very little ‘action’ sequences but lots of Tony Stark being a smart-alec jerk – I was able to accept the mindless ‘chase’ scenes & shots of items being exploded in huge balls of fire that invaded the second half. Even my wife, who wanted me to see this film by myself, was entertained by it. Funny thing is we were going to see her pick, ‘Furry Vengeance’ but the paper printed the wrong start time, so we opted for IM2 instead...
As Tom Petty once sang, “You Got Lucky, baby!”


movie luva said...

I'll get to IM 2 in a sec... you ruffled some feathers...First, I usually agree with you. You may have caught that. I wouldn't follow your blog if I didn't like it. But I will disagree with your statement on The Wrestler. Now remember this, I do not like big time wrestling, so there was that negative connotation before I even entered the theater. But I am a Mickey Rourke fan. I have liked many movies he has been in, especially his earlier career. When he matches wits and goes toe to toe with Anthony Hopkins in Desperate Hours, and other roles in Diner, Johnny Handsome, Angel Heart, Barfly, Rumble Fish, Body Heat and he has been decent in recent stuff like Domino and The Pledge. But in The Wrestler you have never seen the guy go over into serious emotions the way he does in that film. Like with his estranged daughter. It also showed you a vulnerable side he rarely shows. In fact, a side I didn't think he had. The part where he goes into the break room at the grocery store working as a clerk, realizing his reality is just that and tears come to his eyes was a poignant moment. That's real. Everyone can identify with being in a loser situation that you don't want to be in. That's why he was nominated. So that's my minor Mickey rant.

I don't know if I have ever mentioned this before but I'm not a big fan of action films. I liked the Iron Man and Batman franchises because they are well done and casted right and that makes a big difference.

You are right about one thing for sure... Downey as Stark " makes " the films. But for whatever reason, I didn't feel IM2 held up to the first movie. But that is saying a lot because I really liked the first one. It was one of my favorites of 2008. But I did find IM2 an enjoying movie going experience.

I don't know this for sure, but my brother told me thre might not be a IM3, as they are going to take the franchise into Marvel's Avengers series. I don't know what that is. He told me it's like Marvel's version of The Justice League Of America. With Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, etc. He is a big comic book buff. I wouldn't know a thing about it. I do know Downey is also going to do a sequel to Sherlock Holmes.

Kurt said...

Only the second movie I have seen since my kid was born. I want to sleep for a year !

I don't see a certain someone's comments. I wonder if he gave it a thumbs up ? I emailed him about seeing it but haven't got a response back. I was sure he'd be the first to comment here.

I liked the movie just fine. Maybe I like the first one better because I liked Jeff Bridges in it. I was fine with Rockwell and Rourke but I think the first one is so good it's almost impossible to surpass it, but for a summer blockbuster of entertaiment, I thought it delivered just fine.

I'm crossing my fingers that I might be able to trade babysitting to sneak out for a few and catch Robin Hood this weekend. Nice review btw. It would be nice to be a contributor to your blog again ( sigh- so tired )

blue stater said...

I liked it alot. Not as much as the first one though.
Interesting on the comment about The Avengers. I don't know if that would work. It takes a lot effort for me to find anything interesting about that. What would the story be ? It's hard for me to believe Edward Norton and Robert Downey Jr. would sign off on that.

Terry Reid said...

Yes, dbm, we need your comments to make this review complete!
Sorry I ruffled your feathers,ml, but we can like ALL of the same films & actors, can we?
You actually revealed why I don't care for Rourke as an actor in your praising of him - he never showed any 'real' emotion in any of his films until 'The Wrestler'; you took it to heart & believed it, I didn't - it seemed forced & phony to me.
But back to IM3 - As an anti-comic book film person, the idea of meshing IM into 'The Avengers' (& why weren't John Steed & Emma Peel involved in this franchise?) turns me off completely - but I hope you're wrong about IM3 because as Samuel L.Jackson's Nick Fury mentioned in #2, he wanted Iron Man to continue on his own & he would call for him if needed. I'm hoping that means IM3 comes along in a couple of years without any other interference from Fury's other 'clients' (Or whatever they are)
As always, thanks everyone for contributing.