Monday, June 22, 2009


“IMAGINE THAT” (Eddie Murphy)

If it wasn’t for ‘Norbit’ (or was it ‘Norbert’?) I’d say Eddie Murphy has hit a career low with this. but when I thought about it – making awful movies is pretty much Eddie’s forte these days. After seeing the extremely humorous ‘Hangover’ recently, I began thinking about where it ranked in the all-time best comedies & one of the films I had among my all-time favorites was ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ – Oh, how far has Mr. Murphy fallen?
I heard someone say that if it wasn’t for ‘Dreamgirls’, Eddie would be on the longest losing streak in the history of films. My first thought was “This person thinks ‘Dreamgirls’ wasn’t trash?”
In fact, thanks to the exclusive use of Beatle songs in the soundtrack, I’d say “Imagine That” is better than ‘Dreamgirls’ because I could only sit thru about 15 minutes of THAT horrendous ‘musical’. Incidentally, the Beatle songs are cover versions; with the exception of “All You Need Is Love” being butchered during the finale, the covers aren’t all that bad.
This film is so stupid, I shouldn’t give it a review at all; Just write – It sucks, stay away!
Here’s the premise, folks, & I kid you not – Eddie plays a financial advisor climbing the corporate ladder. Thomas Haden Church offers nothing but yawns as Eddie’s chief competitor, a Native American who speaks as though he’s in a commercial for littering instead of offering sound financial advice.
Eddie’s young daughter has imaginary friends that she speaks with thru her 'blankie'.
The child starts telling dad financial advise given to her by her imaginary princess’s.
Of course, the make believe princess’s are never wrong & Eddie begins to shine at the company. Church discovers Eddie’s ‘secret weapon’ & begins harassing his own son for brokering tips. You HAVE to believe me, because no one would make up something that dumb.
Someone wrote that Eddie ‘redeems’ himself with this performance, which had me utterly baffled – this is one of, if not THE most embarrassing role of what has become a very embarrassing career.
At this point even a return to Axel Foley would probably be a complete failure. Eddie might as well team up with Tim Allen for ‘The Santa Claus 5: St. Nick Meets The Klumps’ . . .


movieluva said...

Hey, if ya wanna throw money away, you can just send it to me, you don't have to pay hard earned money to watch Eddie Murphy sleepwalk through another role. Who are the people he has in charge of his career, or does he just accpet these horrid screenplays willingly ?

I saw Away We Go downtown, but I think it's also playing in Bellevue. Nice turn around from dark to light for Mendes. He needed some redemption for Revolutionary Road.

This weekend I will going to see My Sister's Keeper. I read the book and it's a very interesting and original story. It will definitely charge up some controversy I think. I think some will be very moved by it and others upset.

Terry R said...

I knew I would get some grief over seeing this, but I thought it would come from dbm!
Here's the story - My wife wanted to see 'The Proposal' (which I didn't mind because that hot babe Betty White is in it) We bought the tickets, went to Auditotium 3, sat thru the previews & then on came 'Year One'...
We were given 2 free passes & told we could go see any movie that was playing & the next starter was "Imagine That". Some local schmuck critic had said some good things about it, so we figured, why not? We already had our food, might as well go sit in a theatre & eat it.
I'd say Nicolas Cage has become the expert at sleepwalking thru roles, but Eddie is just plain awful. If anything his exaggerations are what make this particular throw-away flick so exquisitely bad.
There's no one in 'Away We Go' that makes me want to see it right away - & Mendes already stole money from me recently so I'm not going to give him the chance to do it again (Call it his punishment for R.R.)
'My Sister's Keeper' sounds kind of morbid & melodramatic. I'll let my wife decide on that one.
In the meantime, I'll keep seeing crap for free...

movieluva said...

The tale in My Sisters Keeper I agree, is rather morbid, but it's the ending that will cause a stir with people. That's all I'm saying with that. ( or it would be very spoilerish )
It's the supporting cast in Away We Go that steal the movie, especially Maggie Gyllenhaal.

dbm said...

I would have said the same thing as movie luva, but I see what your situation was, so I understand you plight. Still though, I wouldn't have seen it for free. Hey, I'm just being honest. All of these below mediocre Eddie Murphy movies all just kind of blur together one after the other, where after a year, you even forget the movie title practically.
I don't even remember that last one where he was shrunk or whatever that was a year ago.
The guy has talent. He is a natural born comedian, but he isn't getting any good words to read with any half way believable plots.
I did hear where there might be another sequel to Beverly Hills Cop with the same director and writers of the original. That could help his respect factor with audiences and critics.

" If you don't believe it, just check the cash regista "

Terry R said...

Read recently that Eddie turned down the Beverly Hills Cop Quad-quel because he didn't like the script. . . C'est WHAT?
So he DID like the scripts of Dr, Doolittle, Haunted Mansion, Norbit, Meet Dave & Imagine That?
Eddie needs to hire someone to pick his material for him.
We stayed & watched 'Imagine That' because my wife thought it 'looked cute' - even she said "that was really dumb." when it ended. Would we have been smarter to go ahead & watch 'Year One' which we both thought looked 'dumb'? Couldn't have been any dumber, that's for sure. Our initial thought was to go see 'The Hangover' again, but by the time we got up to the ticket window(There was a whole auditorium full of people getting refunds) it was already a good 10-15 minutes into the movie & so we picked the next one that started because our pop was getting flat & the popcorn was growing stale...
I harken back to 'Role Models' - If someone had told me the entire plot of that film I never would have paid any attention to it. But for some strange reason, it worked for me - where the nerdy role playing junk & the Kiss tribute sounded like a totally lame concept, it still worked. So you really can't say for certain that something is a piece of crap without seeing it. (Unless it has Adam Sandler or Borat in it)
Heck, I had my reservations about 'The Hangover' because the cast didn't inspire me at all...