Saturday, June 14, 2008


“THE HAPPENING” (Mark Wahlberg & Zooey Deschanel)

I’m not going to reveal very much about this movie, giving away the basic plot would definitely be a spoiler. I’m just going to say that I liked it – it has an interesting premise & there isn’t a disappointing ‘twist’ near the end that spoils the whole movie (ala ‘Signs’) What I’m going to do is tell you the first three scenes, then you can decide if it intrigues you enough to want to find out what happens next...
Opening scene – Central Park – 2 women sitting on a bench; one hears a random scream in the distance, she turns her head toward the sound & hears another scream. She turns back toward her friend who seems to be in a trance. The woman looks around and notices that everyone in the park has stopped dead in their tracks. The only movement is a gust of wind blowing through the treetops...
Cut to Construction Site (Also in NYC) – 4 workers are BSing when they hear a crash behind them – one of their co-workers has fallen from the top of the building. The foreman calls for an ambulance – then BOOM! Another body hits the ground, followed by a 3rd and a 4th; soon bodies are crashing to the ground all around them. The foreman looks up & sees construction workers purposely walking off the side of the building to their deaths...
Cut to a high school classroom in Philadelphia. Teacher Elliot Moore (Mark Wahlberg) is asking his students to give an explanation as to why honey bees have been vanishing from the face of the earth without any bodies being found. The students surmise global warming might be the culprit, but why no dead bees? The last student to respond suggests a random act of nature could be the explanation, thus surmising that we may never learn the truth surrounding this odd occurrence. All the while, written on the chalkboard is a quote from Albert Einstein: “If the bees were to disappear from the earth, mankind would probably last about four days.”
An emergency teacher’s conference is called – the principal tells them to send their students home, due to the ‘terrorist attacks’ taking place in New York...

Zooey Deschanel, a wonderful actress with an original style plays Elliott’s wife, Alma. In her opening scenes, she appears to be ‘spooked’, but as the film rolls on, she actually becomes a subdued version of the ‘normal’ Zooey. In other words, she doesn’t stand out like she has in her other roles. The ‘star’ of ‘The Happening’ is actually the plot. Go see it – tell me if you like it. I found it to be somewhat believable- thus making it kinda scary to think about. See it – tell me if you buy the theory that something like this could possibly happen, or if you think it’s a load of bunk.
& watch for M. Night Shyamalan in the role of ‘Joey’. Because I don’t remember seeing him! (I believe it’s a joke, because he’s listed in the credits for playing a character in the movie that is never seen nor heard, but mentioned nonetheless)


Anonymous said...

I personally did not like the movie and found it to very unrealistic and kind of cornball. The acting wasn't very good either. I think Mark Wahlberg is better suited when in support roles. I really can't think of one movie he has been the star in that made me believe he was a good actor. He was good in The Departed, Boogie Nights and Three Kings, all roles where he in not the lone star. And being that M. Night is the lone writer I thought this had some of the the dumbest lines too. Like when that kid gives marital advise while they are on the run. Silly. Two stinkers in a row if you ask me. My wife and I enjoyed The Hulk though. It's a better plot and story than the first Hulk movie. And the acting is a bit better too. Even the CGI has improved. It's not a movie that will blow you away much like I was with Iron Man, but it was good amke pretend fun. And Tim Roth gets top play a pretty cool villain which was a nice twist.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt, I liked the concept of mother nature striking back at mankind so I admit I overlooked some of the films flaws - & I did say the plot outweighed the acting.
The fact that the disappearance of bees was finally brought to the forefront impressed me & put me on M. Night's side for what happened afterward - I do wish he had stayed with that vein though; coming up with a logical expalnation for the disappearing bees, but as the plot unfolded 'logic' was eventually left behind. But that's part of movie-making - not everything HAS to make sense. Like I said, I liked the 'idea' & the message this movie was sending. I can easily see why some people wouldn't like it...

Anonymous said...

this to be one of ther best of year. kurt crazy. im glad a person mention about the bees. i to think at that when i at movie. i like film. many not tho.

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Anonymous - glad to see I'm not alone. Apparently we're in the minority because I've received several "Are you crazy?" emails for liking 'The Happening'. However, I do understand why a lot of people disliked it. The acting isn't very good & the story is quite outlandish. I just enjoyed the concept of the earth 'rebelling' against mankind, that's all.

Lilithas said...

Outlandish or not, I'm seeing this. I'm actually writing a movie list of those I should buy soon or watch, which is mostly the reason why I'm here now.

Anyway, I liked the commercials (though commercials somehow always manage to be a lot more interesting than the movies), and it actually looks like a good movie. That, combined with your review, is enough to convince me. Anyway, no need to reply.

Terry R said...

Although you said no need to reply, I feel I must warn you that 'The Happening' made a few '10Worst' lists. I liked the 'idea' of the film which is why I gave it a favorable review. The acting is sub-par & the final explanation is quite outlandish so I understand those that didn't care for it.